Funds raised in 2018

ICOs Published
Funds raised

2018 ICOs

ProjectReceivedGoalEnd Date
Jincor 6.3


Jincor is a venture-backed enterprise communication tool aimed at helping employees within an organisation to connect with each other and existing external partners as well as to establish new business relations with companies across the globe and streamline blockchain transactions involving digital assets, contractual and legal procedures via smart contracts.
Received: 26,600,000 USDGoal: N/A31-01-2018 Visit


First Airline and Ticketing system based on blockchain.
Received: 20,000,000 USDGoal: 2,000,000 USD20-07-2018 Visit
Betrium 6.3


Betrium is the solution developed by group of entrepreneurs and MIT & MIPT graduates offering the first partly-decentralized worldwide betting service (betting exchange sportsbook) with zero-commisions accepting crypto-currencies and offering platform for event organizers, developers and third-party service providers. Betrium provides liquidity for existing crypto-currencies and alt coins market. Betting exchange allows people to bet with any kind of ERC20 tokens.
Received: 20,000,000 USDGoal: 1,000,000 USD14-05-2018 Visit
Ethereum Slot Machine 6.3

Ethereum Slot Machine

The first mobile game in the world which simulates slot machine for Ethereum network!
Received: 50,000,000 USDGoal: 1,000,000 USD28-05-2018 Visit
The Rouge Project 6.3

The Rouge Project

The Rouge protocol frees coupons from middle-men by reducing costs and eliminating fraud and grey-market trading, instead creating non-falsifiable, non-repudiable unique usage coupons.
Received: 88,000,000 USDGoal: 14,000,000 USD08-07-2018 Visit
YondoCoin 6.3


Yondo the world's first All-In-One Video E-commerce Solution is bringing AI and the Blockchain to its thousands of users in over 114 countries.
Received: 20,000,000 USDGoal: 1,000 USD31-08-2018 Visit
cPlay 6.3


Earn while watching videos from YouTube or earn while others are watching your videos if you are content maker. Watch YouTube content through our website using the same functionality, subscription feed, playlists, search by key words or search by video ID.
Received: 25,000 USDGoal: N/A15-08-2018 Visit


FireToken provides our members with an opportunity to earn token rewards through staking, or proactively vote and participate in our large volume market price-action movements. Weekly polls provide accurate market indicators, and members get access to collective-based exclusive market information. By using our voting system, we are able to make an impact in the trading market by moving our collective capital in unison.
Received: 18,000,000 USDGoal: 8,000,000 USD18-04-2018 Visit


The ultimate hardware wallet with the most advanced level of security. Designed for easy payments and compatible with over 350 cryptocurrencies. Next generation of the ICO, HODLER profits are to be shared with investors. Our vision: Bringing cryptocurrency transactions to the everyday life Our mission: Provide a product that will allow secure transactions anytime and anywhere The mission of our product: The highest level of security combined with functionality
Received: 5,000,000 USDGoal: 800,000 USD31-03-2018 Visit
Machtcoin 6.3


Machtcoin, Adrenaline inspired, is a cryptocurrency built with the latest blockchain technology and creating an eco-system application based on our 3 pillars project that consist of Sport (sport betting), Travel & Tourism (data mining of travel destination and partnership), and Trading (conventional and binary option method).
Received: 9,952,000 USDGoal: N/A08-02-2018 Visit
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